Last Friday – the 24th of September, we were lucky enough to attend the Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce networking event based in St Neots! Our team had a great time, and we hope those that attended did too!

Networking is a business activity in which businesspeople meet to form relationships, get recognised and share information and opportunities. After the devastating affect Covid has had on SME businesses, networking has been more important than ever to help expand business connections.
If you don’t feel comfortable meeting up in person, some networking opportunities can now be offered online too – making is accessible to as many people as possible!

If you would like to know more, we will be attending the following two networking events;
Safari Networking Peterborough event: Thursday 7th October, 7:45am – 10:00am

Informal networking event – Huntingdon: Wednesday 13th October, 17:00pm – 18:30pm


Here are seven ActionCOACH recommended tips to make sure you make the most out of every networking event you attend!

ActionCOACH tips for networking –

Tip #1. Network Genuinely… 
When attempting to build trust, credibility, and business relationships, you need to present yourself in a genuine light.  You should only attend networking events if you genuinely wish to help others.  If you attend networking events or situations with the intention to sell, you will come off as self-serving and fail to connect with other attendees, wasting your time and theirs in the process.

Tip #2. Define Your Goals… 
Do not arbitrarily select a networking event.  Before you go anywhere, take a moment to figure out what you are hoping to accomplish through networking.  Different networking events have different focuses, like education or database growth.  Knowing what aligns with your goals is the key to getting the most out of networking. I hear from coaches there are no business owners there. Remember networking is about finding prospective clients and referral sources. Everyone knows someone who … If you are at a networking event it is likely the people in the room are out in your community and know a lot of people.

Tip #3. Visit Multiple Groups…
Like when buying a car, settling on the first networking group you stumble across is usually unwise.  I suggest going to sites like, as there are heaps of new events and networking events added daily. Make sure you subscribe to all your Chamber Of Commerce’s newsletter lists as they have regular events. Go to a toastmaster evening or charity golf tournaments. Call the local Mercedes dealership and see whether they have invitation-only functions when newest models come out – and make sure you are on that list to be invited next time round. Once you find a networking group that works for you, give it your full attention.

Tip #4. Ask Open-Ended Questions…
Successful networking hinges upon your ability to ask the people you interact with a series of open-ended questions, as opposed to simple yes/no questions.  If you rely solely on yes/no questions, your networking efforts will fail to encourage any sort of meaningful dialogue.  Furthermore, an open-ended question conveys more sincere interest in someone.  Questions like “How is the recession treating you and your business?” is a great question to ask once rapport is made.

Tip # 5 – Make sure you exchange cards…
The question in Tip #4 followed up by “Yeah I hear what you are saying. A client of mine last year faced the same thing – but we were able to turn that around. He’s doing well despite the economy. Never know – I might be able to help you too. I wouldn’t mind popping in and checking out your business. Can I have your business card?” Notice the language is conversational, non-threatening? I have been to too many networking groups where people are so stiff and intense. Don’t be so serious. Remember our slide “Business is Fun”. If you are a business coach – then part of your role is to bring some fun to the table. If you can get a stranger to laugh at a stiff business networking event – you’ll get the card, no worries.

Tip #6. Understand Your Business… 
In order to maximize your networking efforts, you must have a clear understanding of what makes your business unique.

Tip #7. Follow-up with People… 
After successfully connecting with someone – you need to follow-up with them. Shoot them an email. Look for them on Facebook and LinkedIn. But don’t just call them and ask, “So, are you ready to do some business together.”  Building trust, credibility takes time.  By taking this approach, you will not only put more prospects in the sales funnel but also help nurture your future sales. A good email might be “Hey was thinking about your business the other day … I wanted to pop in under the guise of a customer and see it for myself. Sort of like a free secret shop. I might find something that is costing you money or could make you some more. I’ll report back with my findings. Do you mind?”