Four for the price of none! Join myself and my ActionCOACH colleagues John Boggis, Garry Crosby and Lorna McAtear for a free taster session

How much training did you get before you started your business?

In marketing? In sales? In finance? In leadership?

If you’re an ambitious and energetic business owner, maybe you just made the leap and decided to learn on the job. You’re picking up the skills you need along the way.

The trouble is, trial and error is expensive. You can spend (and waste) a lot of time and money learning how to run a business this way.

ActionCLUB has been created to fix that – it’s a business education and coaching programme designed for small businesses that gives you everything you need to run a great business.

You’ll learn:

How to build a brilliant business mindset

The power of a great strategy and a powerful plan

How to eliminate chaos by mastering 4 basic areas of business (Destination, Time, Delivery and Finance)

A powerful 5-Ways strategy to maximise returns from your marketing

How to apply leverage to your business by building solid systems and processes

The 6 keys to a winning team; how to recruit and keep the best people

These topics and many more are delivered in twice-monthly two-hour on-line sessions with a team of FOUR (yes, 4) business coaches. There are different days and times to suit all business owners and each session includes education and coaching to ensure everyone makes great progress.

The first step is to join us for a taster session, where you’ll experience an ActionCLUB event and enjoy some great business education.  Next session is February 18th 12-2pm. Click on the link below to register: